So Pooh and I had some fun after our night of Wine, Cheese, and Wii. Yea…so…I’m…
Wine, Cheese, and Wii
Pooh and I decided to stay home tonight since we partied hard last night. I took…
Sick Day at Balboa =(
I called out sick yesterday (thursday). I woke up with the worst congestion, stuffy head, sniffly…
Steak & Wine
I came home from work and Pooh had greeted me with a delicious meal. He prepared…
Steak & Wine
I came home from work and Pooh had greeted me with a delicious meal. He prepared…
Blog Logo
I’m working on a logo for my blog. This is a prototype I threw together real…
Day out with Pooh
With the passing of my grandmother, I did not feel up for going to work today….