Happy Holidays!
We ❤️ you guys! 😘😘
Random Gay Asian Guy Blogging Random Stuff
Random Gay Asian Guy Blogging Random Stuff
We ❤️ you guys! 😘😘
I finally fixed the theme/layout to my website! It looks like everything should be back to normal, with a few improvements. Let me know if you run into any errors or broken links. There might be some template pages that might still be up that I missed so don’t mind those. 😁😅 Thanks guys for your patience!
Something on my site updated and caused my theme to default to it’s original settings. I’ll…
I’ve finally figured it out! Well, my webhost customer service finally did that is. LOL. I…
I hope everyone had a happy Halloween! As many of you know Halloween is our anniversary as well as my blog/this website’s birthday/anniversary! Pooh and I didn’t quite celebrate since it was a Monday but we’re planning on…
Probably too early to post this but we are just excited! We just did our first…