Pooh and I went with a couple of our friends to Rich’s in Hillcrest. We had…
A Walk In The Park
Pooh and I had a great time today! We went out for a walk at Balboa…
Hmm…Where to eat, What to eat
(recyled image) Pooh has recently decided to go back on his low carb diet. He maintained…
I’m Ready For My Closeup!
I’ve finally decided to upgrade my Account to Pro. I reached my max of 200 long…
Wow…thanks guys!
Manilagayguy.com recently mentioned me and my blog in one of their posts. I’ve been a reader…
TLR Updates
I’ve finally added an Expandable Post feature to my blog. Wuhoo! This post is a test…
Tigguhh Behaving Badly Pt. 3
ok…so…here they are :)