After a long days work…Pooh and I had a yummy home-made italian dinner…Delicious Pasta…and Caprese Salad…
Leandro Okabe = Sexy
This guy makes me want to work out like crazy. I love his body and he…
New Toy :)
And No…it’s not rubber and 9-12 inches long. I haven’t had time lately to put this…
Hmm..Random not so Random?
Sigh… After going through my blogs, I’ve noticed that my life lately seems pretty routine and…
What’s for Dinner?
Pooh and I went to a Japanese restaurant in Clairemont today. It’s a nice little place…
Seaport Village
I forgot to post about our visit to Seaport Village on Monday. I didn’t upload my…
Random Thoughts – Come on Toshi!
I recommend watching the whole thing. I saw this a LOOONG time ago and Pooh said…