Hey guys! I’ve finally uploaded the pics from Halloween to the Galleries section of my blog.

Pooh and I had an amazing fun filled weekend in West Hollywood with our friends. If you didn’t know already, I was Cupid for Halloween and Pooh was a Hawaiian Boy. It’s hard to recall what exactly happened that day because it was all such a blur. All I know is that I had tons of fun!

(Matt as Luigi, Jay as Mario, David as Bossy Bottom…which isn’t really a halloween costume for him, me as Cupid, Pooh as Hawaiian Boy)

I drew Pooh’s tattoo on his arm. It took me about an hour to do. It would of been shorter but we ran out of ink and had to buy a new sharpie.

Can you see my signature?

Thanks to my buddy Flo, we had a place to stay that weekend. He was a Charlie Chaplin slash Steam Punk slash Waiter in Rain Boots =) Actually, we didn’t know what he was but he was still fabulous! We always have a blast with him!

We started off by going to our friend’s pre-halloween-carnival party since he lived in West Hollywood and then we headed off to the festivities on Santa Monica Blvd. There were so many cute and creative costumes! One of the highlights of the day was walking around Pavillions to buy alcohol for the party. It was during the day before any of the Halloween festivities. We were the only people in the grocery store wearing costumes and most of us were practically naked. A couple people asked to take pictures with me =). I’m glad people actually got that I was Cupid! I had a vial of glitter to shower people with love and I also had a packet of stickers to leave my mark. I had so much fun with it!

Pooh and I weren’t able to celebrate our Anniversary on Halloween because of all the stuff that was going on but we were able to have alone time the day after.

If you’d like to view all the pictures from Halloween, click below!

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