So…Pooh’s been asking me what I want for my birthday. I don’t really want anything, and there’s nothing that I absolutely must have. I’ve been saving up for a nice Rolex but don’t want to shell out quite yet – especially since we just filed our taxes…ouch. I also don’t know what I want to do to celebrate my birthday either.
I guess right now I feel like I want to keep holding it off so I don’t have to face the fact that I’m getting older. I know, I know, I’m not OLD…but I’m getting oldER. I’m inching closer and closer to 30 and I’m a bit disappointed in myself. I want to do something great by the time I turn 30. I still don’t know what exactly what I want to do with my life. I’m happy with where I’m at but I’m still finding myself and haven’t quite found my niche. I am definitely proud of my accomplishments and think I’ve gone pretty far. I just want to make my mark in this world. Perhaps I’m meant for greatness. I always wanted to be a ninja. :)
Well, I do have my blog…maybe someday this blog will launch me into something great! Only time will tell.

Anyway, if I there was anything on my wishlist, it would be a Samsung TL225 or an iMac since my laptop is old and shitty. Er…no offense (don’t completely break on me!), I do love my Vaio but it dies the moment I move the AC adaptor. I did already get myself a Nexus One so I think I’m pleased with what I have. Of course, the gadget freak in me wouldn’t mind a few more toys. I do look forward to having an amazing dinner with my Poohburr above all things. He’s the best birthday gift…especially naked!