Just when we thought our crazy fun filled Halloween weekend had came to an end when we got to San Diego on Sunday….our buddy Flo told us he was coming down from LA to stay a couple days. Since Flo showed us an awesome time in LA, we thought we’d show Flo an awesome time in San Diego!
Then shots and dancing at Richs!
We had a blast! What a great end to a wonderful weekend!
Well….actually, just when we thought that the weekend was over…we just realized…it was only Sunday! Our days off are Sunday and Monday! It felt like a week has gone by since we’ve been doing so much this weekend!
So Monday night we went to Fiesta Cantina with Flo, Jo, and Aubrey :) We were still pretty tired from all the drinking and partying from Saturday and Sunday so we decided to just have a chill night and have a drink. “A drink” turned into “several drinks” but it was still fun hangin out with great friends!
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Phew…ok…I think that is all the partying we could do for one weekend. We needed to rest our livers eventually. :)