I’ve been receiving a lot of emails from my beloved readers asking to know more about me; like where I’m from, where I grew up, and stuff like that…I realized that I never really said much about myself and my profile is pretty empty (perhaps someday I’ll fill it out). So I guess I’d take some time to briefly tell you all a little about myself.

If you haven’t figured it out already…I am asian. I’m Filipino/Pinoy/Fil-American whatever you want to call it. I was born in Olongopo City, Philippines and moved to California when I was 1. My father was in the Navy so we moved around a lot. I understand tagalog but unfortunately I don’t know how to speak the language. I also can’t understand the language when it comes to reading it (for some reason I have a lot of trouble trying to read tagalog and it starts to look like gibberish and I end up getting a headache…I know it’s weird. But if you’d like to leave a comment intended for me to reply or understand…it might be best to do so in english, although I do appreciate everyones comments no matter what language!) Strangely, I can speak more Japanese than I can speak Tagalog. Sukoshi wakarimasu …but I sound better speaking Japanese than I do Tagalog…I sound like an idiot when trying to speak tagalog. I spent most of my childhood in Michigan, and then my horrible teenage years here in California.
I met Pooh in highschool senior year. He was my straight homeboi for 2 years, and then we hooked up. ::grins:: We officially went from best friends to boyfriends on October 31st, 2001. We’ve been together a wonderful 5 years now! It’s great because my favorite holiday is Halloween…and Halloween is our Anniversary. I look forward to it every year! I guess the story of Tigz n Pooh should be saved for another post.
Anyway, that’s a little bit about myself. I’ll share more details randomly in future posts.