Lunch at Whole Foods


I absolutely love the spicy shrimp inari! It’s more sweet than spicy…and the shrimp is huge. :) Yum!
  • robbie
    May 13, 2008

    ahhh my mom gets those all the time! ^^;

    and yes, theyre bomb. ive tried to replicate them the last few times ive made inari, but it ends up tasting like some cheap hong kong bootleg dvd.

  • Anonymous
    May 13, 2008

    i can’t wait for whole foods to open up in hawaii

  • Kenneth
    May 14, 2008

    Hey Tiggah,

    Stumbled upon your blog when reading up on blogs on WII. dunno how googled crawled it, but it’s there. :)

    Anyways, just wanted to say that your blog gives me hope (yes, I’m newly out to a few people) that one day, I could have a relationship that’s as normal as yours and Pooh’s is.

    Here in Malaysia … you could basically thrown in jail or have the crap beaten out of you for even holding hands with another guy. So … I look forward to the day that I can have a real life in the land of the free.

    Thank you for giving me hope and inspiration. You and Pooh are awesome.

  • Anonymous
    May 15, 2008

    Tiggah, reading your blog has always left me with a hunger pang..for food and you!! Ha ha yes, you are so deliciously looking!! Pooh is so lucky!!! hehe chheers and keep on blogging.Love reading…