To the guy that is posting to my friend’s blog in my name,
I am not quite sure what it is that I have done to make you want to put my name to comments that can jeopardize my friendships and relationships, both personal and professional. Maybe you are just having fun and are just joking, but this blog means a lot to me and I don’t want to have to just throw it all away because of what you are doing. I’ve put a lot of time and care into my blog and I’ve always tried to live my life in the most positive way that I can. I was devastated when I lost my Flickr since I’ve put sooo much time and all of my images (most of which I have no backups of) into it. I am hurt by a comment that I’ve read that you posted, IN MY NAME, on a blog owned by a good friend of mine. Do you realize that you could of ruined our friendship? You’ve also been trying to post to my blog referencing my place of work. Would me losing my job and basically ruining my life really make you happy? You might not really care about the consequences of your actions but I am kindly asking you to please stop. I am not angry, just confused as to what I did to make you want to do this. Anyway, have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.