Pooh and I checked out the newly renovated Lafayette Hotel and hung out with some friends for some drinks. I love what they did to the place! It’s so pretty! I should have taken photos of the interior; maybe next time. They have quite a few bars each with their own menu of drinks and aesthetic. There’s a main bar just past the lobby; there’s a cute little diner with a bar; there’s also a bar by the pool; there’s a fancy church looking bar off to the side (Quixote); there’s a bar with pool tables, games, and even a bowling alley (The Gutter)! So much to do and drink all in one spot! Pooh and I used to go the Lafayette a lot before the renovations so we’re excited that one of our favorite gems in San Diego has become even more amazing. We’ll definitely be back to take some more pictures of the place and, of course, have more drinks!