I hope everyone had a happy Halloween! As many of you know, Halloween is our anniversary as well as my blog/this website’s birthday/anniversary! Pooh and I didn’t quite celebrate since it was a Monday but we’re planning on going out to a nice fancy dinner later this week.
Pooh and I had lunch with his mom and brother yesterday after visiting one of his aunt’s grave. (She passed away recently and we went to her funeral last week.) Pooh says thank you to those of you that reached out with messages and condolences on his social media. He’s still a bit sad about it but he’s doing OK.
Later in the evening went out for drinks to people watch but there weren’t many people dressed up in costume. I guess everyone got the Halloween celebration out of their system over the weekend. 😅. Pooh and I went out Saturday night to celebrate Halloween with our friends. We were Tanjiro and Inosuke from The Demon Slayers anime! I was pretty bummed that I couldn’t bring my sword anywhere because the dress codes stated “No Weapons Allowed”. I saw someone dressed up as Kill Bill and she had her sword. I was like, “hey…how come she got to bring hers inside!?”.
Pooh and I were talking yesterday about my website’s anniversary/birthday and he reminded me that I haven’t been blogging when I said I’d do it more. It’s just been a crazy past 2 months! My artwork has been taking a lot of my time lately. OMG MY ARTWORK! I can’t believe I didn’t post about it here sooner! So I have amazing news guys…(if you didn’t know already)…I launched a new website for my art and started selling my pieces on an online shop! It was crazy! I sold out my first week of opening!

I’ve been trying to put together new pieces to restock so that’s what has been taking up most of my time. I don’t want to rush the pieces and I want to take my time with them. Better quality over quantity! I also always had this habit of starting a piece and never finishing it…but now I’ve been pretty determined in actually finishing my artwork. There’s not much available in the shop right now…but if you want to check out my new art website it’s http://www.madebytigz.com. I’m also going to be available for commissions hopefully by the middle of November. 😁
Aside from my new website, other exciting news is that Pooh and I decided to start collabs with other Onlyfans/justforfans creators. We’ll, I’m sure you already know that with our recent Members Only video. 😉 We have a couple collabs setup for the next couple weeks. We know a lot of you have been asking about collabs for quite some time so we hope you guys are as excited as we are! Our most recent collab with @goldguido was hot as fuck! He was so sweet and such a pleasure to work with. 🥰😍❤
Pooh and I want to thank you guys so much for all the support and love you have shown us. Whether it be through likes, reposts, retweets, comments, and/or subscriptions…all of it is so greatly appreciated! Love you guys! ❤❤❤