Some things are never easy….there’s always something lol. So currently when people try to sign up for the Member’s Only subscription, the transaction seems to go successfully via my payment processor (CCBILL) but the data doesn’t come back to my site saying that it went through, so the membership stays pending and needs approval.

It should be automatic and upgrade the membership level but currently something isnt working right. I can manually approve it on my end upgrade the account so if you signed up, it might take a bit for me to manually upgrade your account. Please allow up to 1 day for your upgrade to be approved. I get notifications on my phone so I’ll approve them when I can. If it’s during the week week it might have to wait until I’m on break of off. Feel free to contact me with any concerns at

So for now, sign ups for Member’s Only section will require approval until I can sort things out on my website. I apologize for the inconvenience 😫.

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