Let’s say, hypothetically, someone recorded themselves having sex and Mean Girls was playing on a TV completely visible in the background. I suppose they wouldn’t be able to put it in a member’s section because copyright rules n all? Perhaps it should just be free? But then, would someone be able to post said content without repercussion? I mean, like…hypothetically.

What do you think?

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  • Moodz
    April 8, 2018

    I suggest cropping out the TV, but if you aren’t charging for the content, then it should be fine, too?

  • Westseattleboi
    April 8, 2018

    I think if it was titled “testing” or “sample” it would be fine. ;)
    Everyone loves some Tiggah & Pooh action, if there happens to be a good movie in the background it’s just a bonus. :)

  • Anonymous
    April 8, 2018

    Shouldn’t be an issue at all… I think it would only be an issue with mass reproduction and selling.

  • D
    April 8, 2018

    I don’t think it’s an issue at all. Would only be an issue I think with mass reproduction and distribution. There is no intention to reproduce or distribute. It’s a home video of yours in a private members section

  • Zaddy
    April 9, 2018

    Post it 🤗

  • T.
    April 10, 2018

    Hi :)

    I think to simplify an overly complicated issue, just make a PayPal account and whoever subscribes to your members only premium section will be given a password to a Tumblr site that’s password protected with whatever videos or content you want them to see. U can make sample clips so they know what they’re getting into or take requests for loyal members. That way u can bypass all of the rules AND upload the explicit content that you and Ernie want to upload without having to worry about being taken down or breaking any rules and make a profit esp. if its hurting your credit with all the reapplying. Hopefully, you’ll be able to resolve your issue quickly and swiftly. Btw, I too was disappointed with the Magicians finale lol It was sorta anti climactic and meh.

    • Tiggah
      April 10, 2018

      Hmmm good point perhaps I will look into this.

      • T.
        April 10, 2018

        Yeah I’m happy u find it useful. I think that you’ll find it’s much easier without having to sacrifice any percentage of whatever you earn and have to give it to like Onlyfans or something u kno? U can control what’s coming in easier and still do whatever side stuff u want on your main site but with a password. My recommendation btw anime wise is Mahou Shoujo Site. U can find it on Nyaatorrents.