So I finally heard back about my application for my merchant account so I can take payments. It was declined due to “pornographic images.” Although this site is not a porn site it does have adult content, so I guess that makes it difficult. I guess my Member’s section will be delayed until I can find a different payment gateway that will allow my kind of content. For now it’s back to the drawing board. (-_-)

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  • Steven
    November 16, 2017

    Oh that kind of sucks. I’ve not set up anything for adult related sites but have been through the process of PCI Compliance etc. Don’t know who rejected you but did you check out CCBill, Epoch, GTBill or Zombaio? The last one I heard has no start up fee and rates are more reasonable than the others. Just as an aside you might want to check with your host Fatcow to ensure they allow adult related content too. Good luck.

  • anon
    November 16, 2017

    If your interested, I may be able establish an account for you. I can’t guarantee approval but if you fill out an application I can try to get an approval

  • anon
    November 17, 2017

    If you want, I may be able to submit an application for you. I can’t guarantee that it will be approved, but with some changes it may be approved. If you’re interested, let me know.

  • Galanton
    November 17, 2017

    Hopefully you’ll find the best vendor soon. I’m looking forward to it.