So…I have some plans for my site for the coming new year. Recent events have inspired and motivated me to finally commit and take my blog to new heights. It took me a while to actually take the next step and move from blogger to my very own web host, but I think it’s about time to do more with my site. After all, I owe it all to my readers and to myself right?

Anyway, I hope to actually follow through with this. I was speaking with a good friend about my blog tonight and it just made me think about what I want to do with my site. I still have lots of kinks to work out but it’ll get there eventually. When I first lost my Flickr account and felt like giving up. I eventually decided that I’d run my own site (separate from blogger) so I can be in full control of my own site. It took a while for me to get it up and running. I know I kept saying that I would get it going and it seemed like I’d never do it, but after a couple days/weeks/months it happened eventually. With everything you do in life, making things happen takes time. I’m hoping to get things rolling when the new year hits. I don’t want to make promises but I’d like to make some progress for myself at least.

Since you guys are the ones that actually read my content…what is it you’d like to see on my site? Any suggestions and comments (positive of course) are greatly appreciated! I know I’ve asked this before, and several of you have been awaiting images of Pooh and images of Pooh and I. I’m working on it! LOL. Aside from that I have some ideas and projects that I’d like to implement on my blog, but getting them to actually come into fruition (on the technical aspect) is where I’m having trouble. If you’re a web master willing to help a brutha out…I’d love to hear from you :)