Pooh and I will be traveling to Florida this Thursday to photograph a wedding. The handsome couple were impressed by Pooh’s photography and invited us to document their union. Both of them also happen to be long time readers of my blog!
Tommy & Oliver were married November 13th, 2009 and will be having a lovely wedding ceremony on the 21st. Pooh and I will be there to take the most amazing and beautiful pictures that we can! We are both so happy that we will be able to share in their celebration and be a part of such a significant moment. It is so beautiful to see another couple that share a love so strong and pure. Even though I have been with Pooh for 8 years now, I find it inspiring and am sure others do too. Love is indeed rare but not unattainable. Congrats guys!

We’ll also be treating this trip as a vacation. We’ll be departing San Diego on Thursday and will be returning Monday. We’ll have lots of time to enjoy ourselves while we’re in Florida. We’ll definitely have lots to blog about when we return!