So while we were at Pride SF, Pooh decided to join twitter after hearing Solange mention that she “twittered” before going on stage. As the day progressed, Pooh found himself more and more immersed in the wonderful world of Twitter as he read several tweets via his G1 phone. His interest in it then peaked my curiosity, which then turned into more interest, which then turned into me joining as well. :) I’ve originally heard about Twitter on Homo Superior’s Blog a long long time ago but didn’t know much about it at the time. It seems everyone’s Twittering nowadays.
I’ve added a widget to my sidebar to the right so you can see my recent “tweets”. I’ve also added a widget so you can finally hear from Pooh and what he’s “tweeting” about. I know many of you have been curious as to what Pooh is all about and what he has to say…just don’t forget to come back and visit my blog! :) You’ll notice that we have quite different personalities. He’s got a great sense of humor and is very quick and witty; quite the social butterfly. I’m pretty shy, reserved, and pretty dull come to think about it…but I think it’s great because we balance eachother out!