I’m finally getting over this flu that I’ve had since Friday. We had a late rehearsal Thursday night and we didn’t get out until 2:30am. I was tried, sweaty, and freezing since it was so cold out. The next day I woke up with the most horrible aches and a really bad fever. Unfortunately, we had a performance on Saturday so we needed to go to another all night rehearsal Friday night. I rested all day on Friday so I could make the rehearsal. Saturday came and I still wasn’t feeling any better. All I could do is rest back stage and hope I don’t pass out on stage. I had a towel soaked with water wrapped around my face and neck to cool down my fever. I was also lucky enough to find someone with some Ibuprophin. As the day progressed my fever slowly went away and I was well enough to perform. I don’t think I did as well as I could of if I weren’t sick, but I still had fun and I think we did great. After the performance Pooh and I headed home so I could knock out.
My fever still kept coming in and out throughout the weekend. It seemed it’d get really bad at night and extremely bad around 3-4am. On Monday I woke up with a fever but Pooh helped nurse it away quickly. Fortunately, I haven’t broken out into a fever since then. Now I’m just congested and coughing like crazy, but I’m feeling a lot better. Pooh took really great care of me. He did his very best do keep my fever down. He also made me soup and would always get me OJ and water. I love my Poohburr!