Hello Everyone! Thank you for your comments. I’m glad to know that I have readers that want to see my blog continue running.
Flickr responded with the following:
Flickr account “tiggahtigz” was deleted by Flickr staff for
violating our Terms of Service and Community Guidelines.www.flickr.com/guidelines.gne
URL watermarking images for an adult blog/website.
Flickr reserves the right to terminate your account without
warning at any time.
Nowhere in the guidelines does it mention the words “URL” and “watermarking”, and nor does it contain any phrase similar to the one they provided. I did not violate any of the terms set in the FLickr User Guidelines and so my account shouldn’t have been terminated. I responded 3 days ago saying so but have not yet received a response.
I am currently working on getting a domain and hosting. My only problem now is getting my site up and running. My web skills are not so great so I’ll need help with creating a member’s section. This section will provide members with a username and password that will grant them access to “special” content. Anyone know how to do that? Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks!