Most of you that have been following my blog for a while may already know that Pooh and I are tech freaks. Aside from blowing all of our money on food and alcohol, we usually save up for our “gadgets”. Pooh and I both seem to upgrade our phones often. We usually upgrade at least once a year and normally around April or May. Pooh’s been thinking about upgrading his phone for a while and his contract has nearly ended. He’s been saving up for a while now and we thought it’d be nice to get him a new phone since his current phone (Nokia N73) is in pretty bad shape. Since we’ve been on super budget mode, getting a new gadget was pretty exciting. We most likely would have not upgraded his phone until later since I haven’t been hitting my commission quotas. Fortunately for us, Pooh’s mom offered to pay for it as an early birthday present (Pooh’s birthday is in May). Pooh was very ecstatic! He was like a little kid at a toy store. So frikkin adorable! I’m glad he got the phone he wanted (Nokia N82) and that his mom was kind enough to get it for him. It was very sweet of her. :)
I’m planning on upgrading my phone as well – not any time soon but some day :) I’m saving up until I can decide on which phone to get.
I’m thinking of getting either a Sony Ericsson P1i,
Sony Ericsson P1 pictures, official photos
a Nokia N95Nokia N95 8GB pictures, official photos
or I could wait until the Sony Ericsson Xperia X1 comes out…it’s frikkin gorgeous!Sony Ericsson XPERIA X1 pictures, official photos
Sony Ericsson XPERIA X1 pictures, official photos