
Things haven’t been going so well at work lately. It’s been extremely slow. Fortunately, Pooh is paid hourly and so at least his paycheck is consistent. Mine, however, is really unpredictable. I took a major hit last week and so I was pretty bummed when I saw my stub. It’s pretty depressing when you see a negative dollar amount under commissions. Bleh. My co-workers have been complaining about there being a recession and it’s screwing us all over. I’m trying not to think about it and just try to work as hard as I can.

I honestly don’t know what to do. I was at work today…sitting at my desk…prospecting, emailing, making calls, etc. I felt like I was getting nowhere. I literally felt like I was stuck and in a rut. I was in a glass case of emotion. I’m ranting. I know, but I just feel like venting. I’m human. :P I know eventually it will get better, but my stack of bills won’t wait around to get paid.

I began thinking of other ways to generate income. I started thinking about perhaps selling my paintings, or maybe taking up some of the random email offers to do porn. Lol. I also thought maybe I could reveal my occupation on my blog and have you guys buy from me, but I’m afraid that might jeapardize my employment. :P Then I starting being silly and thought maybe I could try and invent something. I made pretty rediculous doodles on some post-its on my desk.

I’d paint more…but unfortunately I’m low on media and would have to buy more to create pieces. I know it’s an investment that pays out in the end, but then I’d have to find people to buy them.

I’d do porn, but I’m kind of afraid of Tigguhh being on video for the world to see and judge. I guess I shouldn’t really care since I have nude images of myself all over the place. One of my friends messaged me a couple days ago saying he was exchanging pics with someone online and the guy sent him a pic of me. He was like “omg that’s my friend!…and he’s naked!!!” From what I’ve heard, porn doesn’t pay well unless you are working a lot of gigs consistently. Anyway, it was just a thought.

What do you think?

Would you buy one of my paintings?

What would you think if Tigguhh did porn?