As I mentioned in a previous post, I have some very very good news! I was waiting for it to be finalized before I announced it. Today, it was official!

I got a promotion!!! Wuhoo!

Not just a promotion, but the promotion! It’s a commission based position but is (potentially) the highest paying position in the company, and I’m very excited to get to workin. :) I worked very hard to get where I am and it feels great. For have only being with the company for a year, I moved up very quickly. I started in an entry level position, then moved up to a better department…and from there moved up again! I am extremely hard working, persistent, and OCD…I guess those traits help a lot. Unfortunately, in order to keep a bit of my own privacy (despite how much I already “exxxpose” in my blog) I cannot say exactly what I do. If I gave a hint then it’d really give it away. I honestly would not want any of my blog readers going to my workplace and risk co-workers finding out about my dual-life. However, I do believe that what I do in my personal life is really no ones’ business, but I’d prefer to keep them separate. Plus…I like having an alter ego :)

Anyway, let’s just say I work for a very wealthy company.

Tonight, Pooh and I went out to celebrate by having a nice dinner at one of my favorite places to eat, KITIMA. Thai food is my favorite!

Ugh, btw, I need haircut!

It was delicious! I loved every bite :)

Pooh and I have work early tomorrow morning so we decided to stay in and play Super Mario Galaxy on our Wii. We just got it yesterday :) We’ll be celebrating with our friends tomorrow…because it wouldn’t really be celebrating if we weren’t chuggin down the alcohol! :) j/k