Don’t worry guys…I’m alive :)

Pooh and I have been going out every night for the past week so I haven’t been able to get in some nice blogging time. Pooh and I are starting to get worn out so I think we’ll be taking our crazy nights down a notch. I don’t know how Lohen does it – crazy partying and drinking every night and still being able to get up the next morning to flash her firecrotch to the paparazzi.

Anyway, some images from our wild escapades (they’re an accumulation from the past 4 nights and in not in any particular order)…

Pooh’s bros :)…well not really…but his bald bros…

2 large bottles of Southern Comfort, 1 Blueberry Stoli, 1 Jager, 2 greygoose, and a bottle of cheap vodka…We ran out pretty quick =X

that night was a blur…

Pooh and some of his bald bros

Yea…so Pooh was really drunk that night.

Tonight we decided to just stay in and watch a movie at home. Tribal came over to hang out with us. We made smoothies! We went to Target to get some snacking essentials – popcorn, juice, chips, etc. Pooh and Tribal made friends with our cashier. She was a nice little old lady with a mohawk. She gave them Target sticker handle head bands…random.