I’ve uploaded a couple pics from our big move. :) We’ve got so much to do and so little time! The top of my list is to get the walls painted, however, we’re very limited on time so it will unfortunately have to wait. Pooh and I are still playing with some designs and color schemes but I hope to have most of the painting done by the end of the month. Our livingroom is nice and clean, but our room, kitchen, and dining room are filled with boxes! Anyway…here’s some images from Day 1 of our Big move.

after a long tiring day of unloading and settling in …we had yummy pizza for dinner :)
and yummy dessert from Extraordinary Desserts….mmmmmm!
we invited our friend Jo to check out our lovely home :)
we went out afterwards for some drinks!

Pooh and I slept in our new home for the first time…it was great! It felt strange at first. Kind of like the unfamiliar feeling when sleeping in a nice hotel – cozy, but not quite like home. I guess it’ll take some getting used to and I’m sure it’s probably just the open boxes lying around everywhere that’s bothering me. The next day, Pooh made us a lovely breakfast.

We went to Temecula with some friends afterwards to visit a couple vineyards for some wine tasting fun! I’ll post about it soon!