Wii Fit


We recently picked up Wii Fit. Pooh has been wanting it for some time now but we could never find a store that had it in stock. We finally got our hands on one!

The Wii Fit board is very innovative and accurate. It definitely is a very clever little device. It’s a great way to have fun and do a little work-out. I very much enjoy the yoga exercises and Pooh likes the strength and toning exercises. Wii Fit has a lot to offer. It looks like it might be easy…but it’s actually a lot harder than you might think.

Silly Pooh…you can’t get any exercise by playing like that!

  • milo
    June 23, 2008

    that actually looks really cool and fun..to bad i’m like poor :(

  • robbie
    June 24, 2008

    I had to get one of those for my mom as a belated mothers day present…she wouldn’t stop raving about it after oprah said it was cool.

    It’s a spiffy little device. I just wish there was a way to link the exercises together, as opposed to going back to the menu every time.

  • jason
    June 24, 2008

    pooh looks fine. mighty fine. can i steal your boyfriend? haha!

    i get my kick/work out from playing gh. my thumb is rendered useless for a day, but i get so hyped playing it that i sweat buckets (overshare).

  • keewhee
    June 24, 2008

    how’s wii fit? i’m also considering getting the fit board.

  • Kai Santorino
    June 28, 2008

    pooh looks hot on the last pic