Check out me n @groovapooh’s new website/food blog,! It’s still in its beginning stages but I’ve pulled content from our instagrams and my lifestyle blog so there should be plenty of content worth checking out. We’ve got a lot of exciting ideas and plans for it so bookmark and check back soon. Although a majority of the content is in Southern California, we hope to expand it further! If you love food as much as we do check it out and share with your friends. We’d also love to hear what you think and if you have any recommendations of where we should eat next or feature. #foodblog #foodadventures
Don’t worry, I’ll still be giving this blog my love and attention. We just needed a G-Rated site that is devoted entirely to food that we can share with people that probably don’t want to see my penis. Lol. Food Posts will still go to this site so nothing really will change with this blog.
May 5, 2015i can’t believe there is anyone out there that doesn’t want to see your penis. Their loss.
May 5, 2015Pssshhhhhhhh — why wouldn’t they wanna see your penis?? (smh)