I really appreciate your patience with my member’s section. I know many of you are waiting and I am happy to hear that you guys are excited about it. I’m not web savvy and really don’t know much about putting together a website. There’s so much I want to put on my website and offer you guys but just have limited knowledge on putting it together…that and limited time I’m able to spend on it. I wish I could just blog all day for my full time job…now wouldn’t that be great?! I’d like to ask you guys, what is it you’d like to see in my members section? Some things that I want for sure will be videos, galleries, access to live can shows, travel section, food section, electronics and gaming section, and much more. If any of you are web developers/designers that don’t mind lending a hand…please let me know. I’d really appreciate it! :)
Posted from WordPress for Android
February 22, 2013Sex videos puhlease.
February 23, 2013Well, I think just focus on videos and galleries especially on “alter ego” section. Travels, food, gaming and stuff does not require membership to view unless you are pro-gamer or professional food critics which will make it worth it.
As a loyal reader of your blog, honestly I want to see some actions. Anything that you feel comfortable showing, don’t show just because you want to satisfy your readers need.
Just my two cents. Btw, I’m not a pro designer but I have some experience with video editing if you need help. Just let me know.
February 25, 2013Don’t try to do much… Something streamlined and simple is fine. With an emphasis on sexy stuff!
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