I just uploaded the pics Tigguhh took last night. Technically this is week 5 or so but since I stopped working out for a week when I had a cold, I figure it’s best to start over. I was going to just take some pics to show my progress but Tigguhh ended up coming out to play a bit. I thought I’d go Old School and bust out the webcam. Haven’t used it in such a long time since I never have much alone time.

(The following is intended for viewers ages 18 and older. If you are not of this age please do not hit the following link. Also, if you know me personally, I’d recommend you avert your eyes. It…would just be best…trust me. :P )

SEE!!!! I told you! You didn’t listen to me did you? Now you’re staring right at it! LOL. Let’s just say you never clicked on the link and you never saw anything.
[nggallery id=39]
If you notice at the end of the set, I brought a toy out to play with. I mentioned before that on Valentines day, while people were out having fancy dinners and doing romantic couple things, Pooh and I were at home having the most intense fucking sex – for several hours. Pooh and I got ourselves a little somethin’ to make the night a bit more exciting. :) Perhaps I’ll do a product post since I seem to have grown quite a collection. Anyway, in case you were wondering, that’s what that thing wrapped around my cock is. I also wasn’t sure if I was comfortable posting my self sucking (autofellatio) pics but I figure…fuck it…I have hundreds of pics with my cock out there anyway.