Pooh and I went on a date last night. We’ve been so busy with work and taking care of Gizmo that we really haven’t had much time together aside from the usual going out for dinner and just hanging out. We thought it’d be nice to have a “date night”; dinner and a movie, followed by dessert…both kinds lol.

We spent the most of the day going to different stores (Fry’s, Best Buy, Wal-Mart) to try and find a steam vac or a carpet shampooer. We still haven’t found one that we wanted to buy. I also needed to get new USB cables because Gizmo chewed up all 5 of the cables that we had.

For Dinner, we had Sushi at Ichiban on The Rocks in Hillcrest. We pigged out on the Happy Hour appetizers – which btw, are delicious! The Ichi-Bombs are great, especially with Siracha Sauce. I also ordered a Salmon roll but can’t seem to remember what it was called. I just remember that the pieces were huge and it tasted great!


For our date movie we watched The Watchmen at Fashion Valley Mall. It was a great movie and the effects were awesome. I think my only complaint would be that it was pretty long but I guess it needed to be in order to capture the world of the comic in a single movie. I loved whenever Dr. Manhattan would make an appearance. Mostly because he had a gorgeous CG body, a nice ass, and they showed his “little Manhattan” several times. Pooh and I enjoyed a nice large $6 popcorn and some coffee from Starbucks during the movie. Since when was an adult ticket $11 bucks?! I guess it was a while since I’ve been to the theater but I could of sworn it was only $9. Pooh and I don’t really watch movies at the theaters much but it was nice to have “date night”.


After the movie Pooh and I went to Extraordinary Desserts. It was delicious as always :) We enjoyed a scrumptious Fruit Strudel with a raspberry icecream and vanilla, blackberry, guava creamsauce on the side. MMMMMM….fancy!


I had a lot of fun on our date together. It’s nice to change things up every now and then so every day is still as exciting as it was 7 years ago when we first started going out. When our date came to an end and we got home, Pooh “invited me in for some coffee” (as how most good dates usually end) and I can definitely say that it is always exciting every single time. :)