Weekend Recap :)



Breakfast at Whole Foods.

Enjoyed Festival of Arts in Northpark.

We went to the beach afterwards…but we were having so much fun that I forgot to take any pictures.

After dinner, we had friends over for drinks. We finished a huge bottle of cheap Vodka between the 6 of us :)

We were going to meet some friends at Bourbon but when we stepped inside we discovered that it was Lesbian Night! In we went…then out we went shortly after. :) We decided to get our groove on over at Rich’s.


Beach Day!

  • mygreenboi
    May 21, 2008

    hi tigguh!

    i can’t seem to find a spot in your site where i can leave this message. so, i’ll just use this comment section. i think your site is so nice i tagged you. i hope you can drop by my site. here’s the link: http://mygreenboi.blogspot.com/2008/05/and-winnar-isme.html

    thanks. and keep it up. lurve those photos!

  • Hazen
    May 23, 2008


    As I tell my dog when he tries to eat green grass or a discarded piece of pizza box, “that is not a food. Don’t put it in your mouth.”

    Breakfast is pancakes, bacon, french toast, cereal, toast & peanut butter etc.

    Anyway, the beach day photos are good. You are guys are “muy guapo”

  • tiggahtigz
    May 23, 2008

    lol well pooh and I usually have breakfast around 11 or 12…so we usually have lunch type food for breakfast heh.

  • kairin
    June 5, 2008

    the beach

    the beach

    the beach~!!!

    love the pics~!