Last night Pooh and I went to our friend’s going away party. He’s my best friend from highschool and is going away to Border Patrol Academy – random. Lol. Anyway, he’s straight and everyone there was straight. It was a big house party and I really am not into house parties. It was kinda boring at first, but then the alcohol arrived. One of his friends brought over a bottle of Absinthe. It’s not as bad as what I’ve heard. I actually really like it! But then again, I drink too much. It kind of tastes like black liquorice flavored rubbing alcohol. Yum! Anyway, after 3 mixed vodka drinks, 2 shots of cheap tequila, 2 shots of absinthe, and 1 shot of this hazelnut liqueur stuff I was pretty trashed. Everyone was HAMMMERED!!! It was awesome. The most crazy thing was towards the end when I was sobering up and we were hanging out in the backyard, lightning had struck about 10 feet away from us. It was extremely loud, bright, and frikkin scary! Loud sudden noises often trigger my anxiety attacks. Fortunately, I was still intoxicated so it didn’t act up. Anyway, I just thought I’d share this random moment. lol. Sorry, no pictures from that night aside from the bottle.
Random Gay Asian Guy Blogging Random Stuff
Random Gay Asian Guy Blogging Random Stuff