I was meaning to post this sooner but I’ve been busy with work lately…it seems work has been consuming my time more and more. I apologize for my lack of posts lately but the past couple of days have been excruciating. Every day for the past week I’ve been waking up with the most horrible headaches, accompanied by neckaches and backaches – and this is without drinking the night before. Pooh tells me it might be because of stress.

I’m starting to “strongly dislike” my job. I used to love my job and the people that worked there, but now…I feel myself slowly losing that passion and enthusiasm.

Anyway, I haven’t really been in the best of moods lately and so I haven’t been in the mood to blog to be honest. Pooh, however, was able to cheer me up on our Anniversary. I’ll be posting about our Anniversary Celebration in my next post :)

This post, I guess, is dedicated to my blog’s first birthday. I wish I could be happier but I had a bad day at work :(

One year ago, I said to myself, “Self…I think I’ll start a blog…” and so I did.

Happy Birthday “Tiggah’s Life in Random”!