The company Pooh and I work for had a special event for all of us that work there. We had an 80’s Party!!! We were all dressed up in 80’s gear. We were rock’n out with our cocks out!…er well, not really with our cocks out but definitely rockin out! :) Everyone was really creative with their outfits. There were 80’s punk rockers, 80’s hip-hopsters, 80’s madonna people, 80’s Jem girls, and well…some really bad outfits…but we all had fun! The venue was a surprise, we just knew that it was 80’s themed and that we had to dress the part. Our company packed us all in Limos and we headed to our destination. They rented out Lot 81 for dinner…and for some crazy 80’s dancing! Here’s some images of our totally rad and awesome super 80’s party!