Ugh. I can’t believe my company expected us to go out to Vegas, party like crazy every night, and then have us to get to work right after landing. I’m pretty tired from the trip. I got homesick the last day and was missing Pooh so much! I just have to work tomorrow and I’ll finally have a day off after working 2 weeks straight. I’ll definitely have more time to post details of my trip but for now, I’m taking some time to recover. I’m tired. I have no idea how Lindsay Lohen and Britney do it. Partying like crazy every night…and waking up the next day to do…er well they just party again but I have work. :) Pooh and I just bought MySims for our Wii so we’re gonna play for a bit and I’m gonna pass out afterwards. I missed you all and I thoroughly enjoyed reading all of the wonderful comments that were posted since I left. Like with my trip to SF, I have plenty of pics (tigguhh took some too!). Keep your eyes open for them this weekend!
Random Gay Asian Guy Blogging Random Stuff
Random Gay Asian Guy Blogging Random Stuff