Pooh and I had a great weekend! We convinced one of our friends from out of town to stay over for the weekend. He came down for San Diego Pride weekend, but unfortunately, he said he didn’t get to enjoy his stay much…so we told him that next time he’s in town we’ll take him out and show him how Pooh & Tigz have fun!
Here’s some pics from our crazy weekend!
our tall buddy Tribal was waaaaasted!!!
haha…and so was I…
Pooh was drunk as well…
we were all pretty drunk most of the weekend :)
apparently we went clubbing?! (o.O) but I really don’t remember getting there, being there, and leaving there…
I honestly don’t remember taking any of those previous pictures…but it’s nice to know I have something to remember the night!
Pooh and our friend were both on low carb diets…and agreed to take a break for just the weekend. What great way to embrace the wonders of carbs than to indulge in a delicious cheesecake from Jack n’ the Box at 3am :)
Pooh and I were so drunk we passed out…er wait…that’s not me!? haha they both passed out while the rest of us partied…haha they can’t hang :)
Aside from all the alcohol…we also took our friend out to our favorite places to eat. Unfortunately, I didn’t take too many pics of us eating…but here’s a few :)
Us at Bondi…er well yea…there was alcohol there…but we weren’t drunk :)
We also tried out the new Yogurt place that opened up right next to our house…it has a pretty nice interior :)
After a nice long weekend of food, alcohol, dancing, and just having fun…it came time to say bye bye :( I had a lot of fun and can’t wait till next time! Which by the way, I’ll be on a much needed vacation on August 23rd to the 29th. It will definitely be a LOT of fun! :)