I like to play video games to escape reality, relax, and spend my downtime. Now that we’re stuck at home and can’t hang out with our friends, we’ve been using video games as a way to spend time together.
I have a PS4 and Switch, but have been playing on my PC mostly. If you’d like to add us on console our PSN’s are Tiggahtigz, Groovapooh, and TigznPooh
Our Switch Friend codes are:
Tiggah: SW-5394-4198-0607
Pooh: SW-2014-6322-4640
To add me on Blizzard.net for Call of Duty or other Blizzard games my ID is Tiggahtigz#1634
Do you guys have any recommendations of games? I used to be really big into mmorpgs and Overwatch. I mostly play Call Of Duty and Dragon Ball Fighter Z right now.
A lot of friends are on Animal Crossing but unfortunately I couldn’t get into it. If you have any games you enjoy playing I’d love to hear about em!